There are so many different forms of social media now - Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest... the list goes on and on but my absolute favourite place to find inspiration for my work in the classroom and our play at home would come from Instagram. It's full of amazingly creative people who are generously sharing their ideas with the rest of the world.
Today I'm sharing 20 of my favourite Instagram accounts that you will want to follow if you are an educator or parent of young children.
Late last year I stumbled across the inspiring feed of Sydney nanny Liv of A Crafty LIVing. I loved her twist on splat painting the moment I saw it and there have been so many easy hands on learning ideas perfect for home and the classroom shared since. She's also started her own blog as well so you can always see read more about her ideas there.
I couldn't post about my favourite Instagram feeds without mentioning my Early Learning 101 co-host - Amy from Playful Learning Co. Another Australian Early Childhood teacher who shares my passion for providing playful hands on learning experiences to our children and those we teach. We feel strongly about the importance early play has on children's early literacy understanding. We also share a love of books and despite living in different states, we even have matching rainbow shelfies!
Niccola from An Idea on Tuesday is another Australian teacher who uses found and everyday objects in such inviting ways. I am always inspired to make something when looking at her feed.
Shannon of Oh Creative Day has such a bright distinctive feed full of great book suggestions, playful learning ideas and things to make. Don't you just feel happier having looked at this photo?
Another Australian, Jacinta from Cinta and Co's feed is light and bright and teaming with fun, simple play ideas you can try at home or the classroom. I used a few of her activities for our fine motor centres in class and my students loved them.
One of the most inspiring creative people you will find anywhere would have to be Ana from Babble Dabble Do! She creates the most amazing STEM engineering projects, colourful play experiences and fabulous art activities with a good dash of science thrown in. Her Instagram feed and blog are overflowing with creative ideas you will want to do today with your children!
Working in the Early Years, I love so much of what Our Kindergarten Family shares in their Instagram feed. Every invitation is so thoughtfully set out for investigation and to inspire creativity in their young students. Taylor and Ryan have the best taste in books too!
I have loved Show_Me_The_Monet's feed ever since I saw their name having loved his work from my teenage years. An account shared by two Australian art teachers it who are skilled at creating mixed media projects children will love to make. I love that many of their works are have a collaborative element allowing a whole class or grades work to be used together to create a final piece.
A long time fan of Deb's work, following Teach Preschool on Instagram was a no-brainer. I have serious classroom envy anytime she posts photos from her outdoor classroom!She regularly posts inspiring invitations to play from her classroom and I love the reflective nature of many of Deb's posts which encourage self-reflection of my own teaching practices here half way around the world from her classroom in the US.
One of the best parts of Instagram is the glimpses on other teaching spaces not only here in Australia but from all over the world. I've always found something worth copying from Sheryl of Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds, another Early Years teacher you should be following on Instagram.
One of my most favourite Early Years classroom belongs to Darla Myers. Her newsletter is full of the most inspiring inquiries. If you don't already subcribe, you must! Following her on Instagram allows you even more glimpses of their current projects.
Another of my favourite Early Years classrooms belongs to UK educator Tishy Lishy. Lots of play ideas and loose part heaven to be found here! You've probably already realised that many of the educators I follow on Instagram are a creative lot who are often found making resources for their classrooms. Tishy Lishy is such a teacher. She finds new ways to play all the times and generously shares these ideas on both Instagram and her blog.
I first found Rachel of Stimulating Learning with Rachel classroom on Pinterest. It seemed that every thing she pinned, I liked. Now she's on Instagram sharing her envious collection of loose parts and wooden bowls at play in her classroom. I love her small world invitations particularly - everything is always so well thought out and presented ready for play. Like Tishy Lishy, you'll often find Rachel making things for play to stimulate the imaginations of her students. Lucky kids I say!
From Canada, Whitney Marie is another educator passionate about play and her Insta feed is full of photos from her class's different inquiry projects. I love her dramatic play spaces and how they follow the direction set by children in her class. Her blog is also well worth a look.
Carla of I Learn Too is another Reggio influenced educator from Melbourne sharing some of the inquiry based learning from her Early Years classroom. I love how they use carefully chosen materials, books and artwork as prompts for play in their setting.
When thinking of Instagram feeds I have found useful in the classroom, I had to include Miss Jacob's Little Learners. I have purchased a couple of her printables this year and love them all. They've provided a useful way to communicate our learning intentions to both students and parents alike.
Another Australian teacher who makes amazing printables for classrooms is Mel From The Pond. I love her CVC word wheels and have used them in a couple of classrooms now. Her bright, clean illustrations are just what I was looking for in my classroom and maybe for yours too.
Many people have asked me about these rhyming word cards I use in my classroom and they're from The Printable Princess.
Of course you can find us over on Instagram sharing quick snaps from the classroom and our play at home. Are you following us yet?

You might also want to follow Early Learning 101 and join in the weekly photo challenge.
So many inspiring learning ideas are being shared there each week.

So tell me, who are your favourite feeds to follow on Instagram? Who inspires you with their work? Leave a comment with your favourite accounts.