Maybe you imagined yourself as this inspiring, nurturing caregiver creating memories with your child while helping them to become all that they can be but instead you find yourself just disappearing under a mountain of laundry most days.
I never read that in any of those parenting books!
Parenting is the most incredibly rewarding job you will ever have but it can also be overwhelming and, if we're being honest, repetitive at times. But we do it and we do the best job we can because we want the best for our children.
We want to give them different opportunities and create memorable experiences to help them succeed.
But what does success look like?
I believe all children can learn and be successful. And the measure of this does not start or end with how well they did on their spelling test last week. Educating our children is much more than that.
I believe that all children are unique and learn in different ways and at different rates.
Children should be active participants in this journey while our role, as their parent, should be to help facilitate this.
Every child deserves to be safe, respected and celebrated.
My goal with this blog is to help you provide a positive, encouraging and supportive learning environment for your family. Here, you will get practical resources and teaching advice that can help you support your child's learning at home giving them the tools to become successful in life as well as at school, and help develop a passion for learning that will stay with them for life.
WE can do it together! TOGETHER,WE ARE STRONGER.
"Thank you Nichole for creating printables that make learning fun through play. Chloe and I spend hours using your printables to explore letters, identify objects, learning letters and so much more. From one parent to another, thank you." Angela Henderson, Finlee and Me
"Teaching my 5yr old has never been so much fun. He is easily bored but loves the printables from You Clever Monkey. Nichole makes it easy to teach him with her great activities. I'm looking forward to using them with Miss 2 when she's ready." Peta Groth, Great Googa Moogas
I'm an Australian Early Childhood teacher and mum to three gorgeous children of my own. I returned to university to become a teacher when my youngest was two because I realised how much loved spending time with my own children and helping them to grow.

I hope to encourage children to think, to explore, to question, to contribute, to respect, to create, to play, to engage, to pretend, to care, to communicate, to be confident, to become all that is promised to them.
I want to give my children a childhood they will remember fondly.
I want to give my children a childhood they will remember fondly.
As a parent, I know how confusing it can be to know how best to support your child in their learning but you need to trust yourself.
You know your child better than anyone and you can help them thrive and succeed with some support yourself.
By working as a community, all of this is made easier. Here, you WILL find simple ways to help support your child's education without spending all your time or money!
What can I do to help?"My child was struggling so much with his sight words and we were all getting frustrated until we printed some of Nichole's fabulous activities. Something seem to just click after that and it has made such a difference!" Kate Pickle, PicklebumsI am here to help inspire you when you're not sure how to help support your child's learning at home.
I am here to remind you that simple sometimes works best.
I am here to help you find your way through the maze of educational resources on offer.
I am here to help you look at things with fresh eyes to see their potential.
But for this collaboration to work, I also need to hear from you! You can contact me via our FB page, Instagram or via email.
I look forward to us learning together!
I look forward to us learning together!